Boîte de vanille aux baies (7 barres)

CHF 28.99


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    • Barres chocolatées avec des graines et des super aliments conçus pour soutenir le cycle menstruel.

      Biologique | Vegan | 100% naturel | Fait à la main | Sans plastique | Social | Emballage écologique

      Expédié par Moonchy Gratuit 

    • Détails du produit

          Moonchy Bars are unique organic bars consisting of the finest Arriba Nacional ceremonial cacao, organic raw seeds and other naturally nutritious ingredients - designed to support the menstrual cycle.

          Size ⏤ 7 x 40 g

          Moonchy Berry Vanilla is a uniquely textured white choc + seed bar with nutty, fruity & vanilla notes.

          It has been created to assist your body in restoring and maintaining its natural rhythm during the first half of the cycle (days 1 - 14). It contains maca root powder and the exact quantities of organic raw flax seeds and pumpkin seeds needed daily to practice seed cycling.

          Seed cycling is a daily routine of eating certain seeds’ combinations at different phases of your cycle which helps improve your menstrual cycle and reduce its uncomfortable symptoms. Read to our blog article to learn more.

          Flax seeds and pumpkin seeds are real nutritional powerhouse foods full of micronutrients that are essential for a healthy menstrual cycle. Maca is an adaptogen - it helps the body maintain a balanced hormone production and better cope with stress, pressure and anxiety. It can also help boost the libido and fertility.

          Rich in fibre, omega-3, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B1, lignans.
          Learn more about Moonchy Berry Vanilla’s ingredients.

          Flaxseeds are a real superfood for women. These small seeds are known for their health and beauty benefits. The nutrients found in flaxseeds include lignans which help reduce breast pain & hormonal acne and clear the body of excess hormones. Moreover, flaxseeds are rich in fibre, magnesium & vitamin B1 which help to minimise period cramps & PMS symptoms and improve digestion & sleep quality. Flaxseeds are also the richest source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids in the world. Healthy fats are essential for optimal hormone production, they also reduce inflammation and lower the risk of many chronic diseases.

          Pumpkin seeds are packed with a variety of nutrients, ranging from magnesium, zinc, phytoestrogens and healthy fats to other beneficial compounds that have been shown to provide numerous health & beauty benefits. They are one of the best natural sources of magnesium, which plays a critical role for brain function and mood - its healthy levels help reduce PMS symptoms, prevent migraines and improve sleep quality. They also contain beta-sitosterol which inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT, which can help to reduce PCOS-related hair loss

          Maca naturally supports the first half of the menstrual cycle (days 1 -14). It is high in nutrients, including amino acids, fatty acids, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, & polyphenols which are essential for balanced hormone production. Through plant sterols, maca stimulates the endocrine system, helping to maintain balanced oestrogen and progesterone levels. Maca is also effective at improving the libido, mood, stamina & energy levels.

          Moonchy’s organic raw cacao mass comes from the unroasted cacao beans from smallholder cooperatives in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian cacao Moonchy uses is the finest ceremonial-grade cacao variety that is known for its floral aroma - Arriba Nacional, which has a higher concentration of all the beneficial substances of the cacao bean, such as polyphenol & flavanoid antioxidants, tryptophan, anandamide, phenethylamine or theobromine. The unique mix of all these compounds makes cacao a real superfood. Research suggests that frequent cacao consumption prevents premature aging, improves skin & blood sugar control, reduces stress & PMS, boosts mood & libido, supports weight control and enhances mental performance.

          Cacao butter is a natural fat extracted from cacao beans. It gives Moonchy bars the creamy, smooth and melt-in-the-mouth consistency. Moonchy uses a raw cacao butter that has been cold pressed from the finest Ecuadorian cacao variety - Arriba Nacional. Cacao butter is full of healthy fatty acids, such as oleic acid, palmitic acid & stearic acid. We, women, need a dietary fat to maintain a healthy hormone balance. Without enough fat in the diet, our bodies don't work properly, and all our systems such as endocrine and immune system are affected. Cacao butter is also incredible for a vibrant and healthy-looking skin. The polyphenol antioxidants, phytochemicals and vitamin E contained in cocoa butter have been proven to improve blood flow to the skin, slow skin aging, soothe sensitive skin and to protect it from free-radical damage.

          In place of milk powder, Moonchy uses tiger nuts which give the bars a sweet nutty flavour. Despite their name, tiger nuts aren’t actually nuts but tubers (like e.g. potatoes). They’re rich in a variety of nutrients, including magnesium, potassium, iron and antioxidants. They are also loaded with insoluble fibre, resistant starch and amino acid arginine which promote a healthy digestion, help feed the friendly bacteria in the large intestine and contribute to lower blood sugar levels. In some cultures, tiger nuts are also used as a natural aphrodisiac.

          Moonchy sweetens its bars with a pinch of coconut blossom sugar. It gives the bars a caramel flavour with a hint of a fruity aroma. Moonchy uses minimally processed coconut blossom sugar from smallholder cooperatives in Indonesia – it is just dehydrated juice of the blossom of the coconut palm. The minimal processing preserves the nutrients found in the coconut blossom juice (iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, antioxidants). Coconut blossom sugar also has a significantly lower glycemic index than refined sugar because it contains fibre called inulin which helps slow glucose absorption. 

          Freeze-dried raspberries & strawberries - Berry fruits are among the healthiest foods you can eat – they are extremely nutritious, loaded with antioxidants as well as several vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. Thanks to the gentle freeze-drying, the beneficial nutrients are largely preserved. Both raspberries and strawberries are a great source of beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants, such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and resveratrol, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. They help to protect your cells from free radical damage, decrease wrinkling and other signs of skin aging, improve your blood lipid profile, and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases.

          Ingredients list ⏤ 100% organic: cacao butter (25%), tigernut flour, flax seeds (17%), pumpkin seeds (17%), coconut blossom sugar, freeze-dried raspberries (1.5%), freeze-dried strawberries (1.5%), vanilla extract (1.3%), maca root powder (1.3%). May contain traces of nuts and sesame.


    • À propos de la marque
        • Depuis des générations, on croit que le cycle menstruel est en quelque sorte lié au cycle lunaire. La Lune dans Moonchy symbolise le pouvoir naturel que possède une femme lorsqu'elle est vraiment connectée à son énergie féminine et lorsque son corps et ses hormones sont en équilibre. 

          La mission de Moonchy est de vous faire sentir plus en phase avec votre corps. Vous pouvez y parvenir en comprenant comment les fluctuations hormonales affectent votre corps et votre esprit, et en commençant à vous synchroniser avec votre cycle menstruel. Dès que la fondatrice de Moonchy - Alex - a commencé à écouter son corps et à le nourrir en fonction de ses besoins pendant les différentes phases, elle a libéré son propre pouvoir de guérison naturel. C'est à ce moment-là qu'elle a réalisé qu'elle voulait partager ses connaissances et aider d'autres femmes à bénéficier des mêmes avantages d'un cycle menstruel sain.

          En tant que véritable chocoholique, elle a toujours rêvé de créer une barre de chocolat qu'elle pourrait déguster tous les jours, sans culpabilité, tout en soutenant son corps. Parce qu'elle croit sincèrement que la nourriture ne doit pas seulement être un carburant mais aussi un pur plaisir, elle a créé les barres Moonchy - des barres délicieuses et saines conçues pour se synchroniser avec le cycle féminin et le soutenir. 

          Autant Moonchy se soucie de la santé des femmes, autant il se soucie de Mère Nature. Moonchy s'engage à garantir des ingrédients 100 % biologiques, végétaliens et d'origine éthique pour ses barres. L'emballage des barres ainsi que tous les matériaux d'expédition sont totalement exempts de plastique, fabriqués à partir de papier ou de carton, et sont en grande partie recyclés. Certifié FSC. Vous pouvez soit réutiliser, recycler ou composter tous les éléments. 

          Moonchy veut également contribuer à créer un monde dans lequel chaque fille est respectée et a la possibilité de réaliser tout son potentiel. C'est pourquoi, pour chaque produit Moonchy acheté, 3 % des recettes soutiendront l'association Fonds pour les filles de Plan International qui œuvre au renforcement des droits des filles et à l'élimination des désavantages, de la pauvreté et des violences sexuelles dont elles sont victimes.

    • Expédition et retours

          Tous les produits sont expédiés par nos vendeurs indépendants et des frais d'expédition différents peuvent s'ajouter au moment du paiement.


          Frais deport ⏤ Gratuit

          Expédition estimée ⏤ 1 à 3 jours ouvrables.

          Retours ⏤ Ecolabo accepte les retours dans les 10 jours suivant la réception pour les articles neufs, non utilisés et non endommagés. Ceux-ci doivent être dans leur emballage d'origine, avec toutes les étiquettes attachées. Les frais d'expédition sont à la charge du client.

          Pour tous les retours, veuillez contacter Ecolabo par courriel à l'adresse

      • Marque : Moonchy

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